Saturday, August 23, 2014

Show me the money....

Why am I writing this?

I had to ask myself that question. Note the topic, my inner discourse go like this...

Felt led to address the subject of giving to Churches and Ministries. It's not exhaustive but more a starting guide. I wanted to address some of my concerns, observations and objections in my own dealings with the Church and ministries. To bring the hidden things of my own heart to light that they may be judged and set in order. That I might lay down my disappointment and frustration of my own walk and my own lack of due diligence, to give voice to it so that it may be judged and set aright. 

Scripture is replete with instructions that those who are rich in this age are too be generous in giving, which we are as a people of God!  Specifically God's people are too be moderate and temperate in all things, not love the things of the world or it’s systems. That God's people are not to heap up treasures for themselves, especially not those who live from the gospel. They are to be an example too all, publicly and privately. He even instructed the Kings he chose in the old testament not to heap up wives, horses, gold or silver. There is no room for boy toys in the Kingdom. Filthy lucre was called such as there is to be seen a demarcation in those who understand and humbly acknowledge as oversee’s they are living off the sweat and often the tears of the Saints. Many of whom, are simple and labor in the World for their own and the leaders provision. If your leaders or ministries live like the world owes them a living; affording themselves with the best your money can buy, giving all praise and glory to Jesus, know that  they have publicly displayed what is privately in their hearts. 

Paul warned that many would abuse and use the simple saints for their own lusts. Their reward will tarry, but it will surely come. In the mean time, make certain that where you give there is a full accounting and open disclosure in the sight of all men. Today many ministries  invest in themselves rather than denying worldy lusts. They invest in bigger homes, better cars, better vacations, better clothing and care and think nothing of it, thinking it is their just  100 fold, 1000 fold return and justly so, while the bleeting sheep suffer.  They in their forward thinking, are usurping that which was to be invested in the world,  for returns to be made into the Kingdom. Squandering the Kings wealth. We are to be Wise and prudent stewards. Many forget that it is God who added and multiplied and spend it on their own lusts, forgetting they are to be moderate, giving, and live sacrifical lives of moderation in all things. An example.  What a man does with HIS money, is a definable measure of a man of God and His work, whether it be unto the Lord and to what extent. Any favor enjoyed is from God, some think it's their due, their right, forgetting the whole counsel of the Word that bought them and the price that exceeds the pride of life, pride of face and the lusts of flesh. What happened to denying self? 

I know first hand the piercing sorrow of not being satisfied with what the Lord provides in material goods. How it exposes us to the thief. The temptation to indebtedness, the way of the world. It can even blind you to what is right, into robbing God and not even be aware of it!  When He provides there will be no sorrow attached to it, and if you can believe it,  no strings of the world. No debtor to any man or financier. All those worldy lust are the things of this world. We are to owe no man anything except to love. How exactly do we divorce ourselves from the clarity of “Owe no man nothing, except to love”, yet indebt ourselves and the ministry God gives us to money lenders? They sold their stuff, got out of their obligations to the world and the collection and distribution  was complete, so that no man lacked. This is the principle of Kingdom Living that the Church has turned it's back on. Why? I wonder a failing, or shortcoming of those stepping into ministry still holding onto the world system of indebtedness privately and corporately rather than trust the Lord who bought and paid for them to provide and bless with no sorrow (indebtedness). With this view, how can they expect the assemblies/congregants to do otherwise? Their would be no such instruction or admonition. 

We are to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. We are to invest. We are to buy and sell lands. The churches should own property and not just throw money away in leasing, with nothing to show for it after the time is spent. Where is the return? Prudence does dwell with wisdom. They are to be an example to the whole flock. I have no problem with giving, first fruits, tithes, alms but I want to know that the soil is good soil that the seed will not be washed away by cunning and crafty men.  I want to have and be a part of a legacy. This scenerio in the New Testament did not come about as a fluke, it was part and particle of the pattern of Heaven, love displayed in the natural, not the pattern of this world. Instead we see each looking out for self, their family, their interests, their retirement, their pension, their investments, their stabliity, their pursuits, their ministries, their vacations, at the expense of the flock. 

The believers had ONE HEART and ONE MIND and didn't hold anything as to being their own. Where did such a framework stem from? From being build up into one new man, it is the work of God. His signature. This is where you want to invest in a share for a legacy.  The early believers saw that this world is not their home, they had entered into the Kingdom of God.  They had been brought into heavenly places and had received the Fathers Heart, Love. The Kings Golden Sceptor had come to earth, Christ in us. Let us see! The treasury is not be be held in darkness, we are the Children of the  Kingdom of Light. 

When searching for community, see if these things are in place. Leaders who’s hearts are too protect the flock will hold a true staff to fend off wolves who would devour the sheep. Just because gifts are present does not mean that all is as it should be regarding stewardship. What is the nature of the administration and how is it carried out?  Is there is an open accounting? The treasures of this world should be dispensed with prudence and discretion in an open and forthright manner, even the world understands and calls for  fiscal accountability in the business and private sector. Gifts cannot be manipulated when there is full disclosure. Gifts for bribery, Paul said refuse them.  How many are guilty of showing preference to the wealthy that do come into our assemblies, it is an embarrassment to Christ and all he died for.  It is appalling, our own carnality and we dare not admit it.   Let not your good be spoken of as evil, squandered by the trickery of men. Know that the eye dolls of the heart  are to be dealt a death blow! Nothing to endorse or fund. Greed is idolatry Col. 3:5

Those who are out of step are to be taught Kingdom Principles that they too may begin to contribute and have a share in the wealth of God’s economy and Kingdom. Overtime reaping the benefits of the goodness of God in the land of the living.  Being brought into One Mind and One Heart that truly liberates and sets free, free indeed. How else can we fulfill the admonition to owe no man anything except to love? Sets the Church apart as she is then freely giving and freely receiving that which cannot be bought. Her hands are not tied from giving. Freedom for even the heathen reap the Goodness of God from the children’s hands (in HIS name) as they are being and doing good to the good and evil alike, as their Father has instructed. That is the context, let no man mislead as it includes freedom from indebtedness to the world, not just ours but our assembly/congregation. 

The fullness of the stature of Christ is the church built up, ONE NEW MAN. We have a qua se pattern right here for us too see, yet we ignore it, because of the lusts of our flesh and the pride of life and pride of face. Footholds and wedges for enemy to keep us in bondage and bound to this world system. Community living is not a warped caricature as a mocker would try to paint it,  but the normal Christian life, in all honesty and purity. Do anyone dare to believe and replicate the pattern of moderation lain out in many scriptures, how they fit together? Let every assembly/congregant also establish a common fund, from which the needy among them are helped. To those who are willing,  sell some property, your things, your stuff, your toys, as the Lord directs to provide for the needy inside and outside the Church. And that is Christianity in action, always -- to be concerned and do something about the care of others. 

Our God, even we are carried off to Egypt by our lusts, God in his mercy and compassion will bring good when we repent and acknowledge our sin. I know that I can see His hand working even now to change our circumstance and bring my family out, where he wanted us to be all along. Oh, it would have been well with us had I steadfastly heeded His whole counsel regarding money and things of this world.  I had the teachings, I had the instruction but I didn’t see it being emulated and I lusted. Many variables make up an outcome but following those who emulate the whole counsel of God in the midst of an every changing world. Leaders are be an example in all things. The sorrows would have been far fewer to date. So, let us be concerned with others and care for those among us, not turning your backs in their times of need. For you know we all fall short in many ways. 

Let us search our hearts, and let God lead and direct the leaders and congregants into all truth regarding buying and selling and regarding the practice of true religion. Lord let your good spirit initiate your work in our lives individually and collectively, that there be no lack. That there be true community (not communal living). Lord let the simplicity of the truth drop into the hearts and minds of the hearers. Test your desires. Where do they come from? 

Here is a leader who saw a problem with the modern church and he has attempted to provide a recommendation and solution. I see Jesus reminding the religious leaders that they tithed and gave alms but didn’t care for their parents, falling short. This gentlemen and I differ in part on the whole counsel of God in relation to his final analysis of the tithe and 501 (c) 3 status. Jesus upbraided the legalist regarding the tithe in Mathew 23:23 and clarified it there as being part of the law, we know he did not abolish it but fulfilled it from their legalistic perspective and surpassed it by paying all that was due on the cross. Now as we prosper, we give according to the Lords prospering, there is no compulsion or coercion allowed by leadership, that is clearly part of what he found replusive, here is a link to scripture

That said, , here is the link. The business perspective is enlightening as to what too look for in a church, it's is very pragmatic and maybe more than you could hope or ask for in regarding to actually finding in the ministry or church of today that stands outside of a denomination, here is the link The Lord said to buy wisdom and sell it not. 

 In regard to the church putting herself under the benefit and oversite of the government, check out this perspective We followed purely the bible early in our walk, being taught of the Lord we chose to pay a tenth as it is the first fruit of the substance of the Lord's prosperity to us and from there giving for the poor and needs of the church. Later we learned of Crown Ministries and I still find it the best, it was living by faith.  Now I see Dave Ramsey is the go to but principals never trump faith So, whatever cards your dealt, whatever road you have been led down, take it all to the Lord, by faith and let Him work it out. He is more than able and again, since the work is finished, no man gets the Glory or the Honor due Him alone who is Good. 

Non-the-less, it’s a starting place to educate oneself on fiscal accountability and what to look for. 
Paul had defrauded no man and fiscal accountability is for the good of the leaders (blameless in the sight of all men) and the assembly/congregants (giving as unto the Lord). The leaders who watch over your souls must give an account to God and so they should as well be able to give an  treasury  (where the issues of the heart are disclosed) accounting to those who have submitted themselves to their rule of authority in obedience to God.

Whatever you do and whereever you give, do it as unto the Lord and not unto man but do your due diligence, invest in a true legacy. 

Women Winning Women


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Life's Challenges...

Note to self...

Ever feel challenged? The path gets steeper as we go. I am reminded to take everything to the Lord for He cares for me. These are not just words, He (THE LIVING WORD)  is alive to us Born of His Spirit and His Life is the substance I take ahold of! He's the Glory and the Lifter of my head! He renews my youth! He strengthens me! I Believe and from that place I speak  (His Word replacing mine) over all my Spirit, Soul and Body! The commands of the Lord! Behold He makes all things new! The fountain of eternal life has been opened to me, I step in and He will rejoice over me with Singing! The same resurrection power that raised Christ is in me to sustain, strengthen and renew! I will eat His Body and Drink His Blood and rejoice in Believing and see the Goodness of the Lord in this land! Grabbing ahold of the promises, I believe and therefore I speak! 

I will not covenant with works of death pertaining to this life and where I have, "Lord, I repent, renounce and break agreement in the Name, by the Power and through the Cross of Christ and His Blood shed for us to have abundance in Spirit, Soul and Body in this Life and in the Life to come! This is the evidence whereby I will stand and enter into His rest in Believing in His Finished WORKS! Those WORKS came and come through GOD who is LOVE! I will trust and do whatever he tells me! He will direct me, counsel me, guide me! He will impart His wisdom! He will Bless me, yes Me! He became a curse for me! He bore my infirmities and like Sarah, I laugh! 

The Lord says to me, "Behold it's in your hand" and I say to the Lord,

 "Your arm has NOT lost it's power!"    Numbers 11:23


God makes all things beautiful in 
 His time. Eccl. 3:11

Friday, February 14, 2014

Spiritist or Spiritualism

Happy Valentines Day,

Wow…time has flown by, twenty-seven years ago today my husband and I were married in the Lord. What trip, what a journey, what a training ground in love! There is no end to love so I will speak more on that subject at a later date.

     Today, I wanted to share with you a little way the Lord used me the last week. I am at the market, ordered a pizza and am waiting for it to be prepared. I am intentionally asking the Lord to use me in whatever manner suits him. Here I am seated at a picnic type table; a lady comes up and sits on the other side, back to me. I am like, Ok Lord, is this it. I sit there and all at once my right ear starts burning. I start the conversation internally and yes the burning continues and the only word i get is "sensitive".  I ask for more info,  get nothing. I am like ok, guess you will show or tell me what you mean by that.

     Here goes, I tap the women's shoulder and let her know God is letting me know she needs prayer. She swings around like it was almost staged and says with great faith "Yes, as a matter of fact I do". So, she proceeds to tell me her issue, pertaining to a Doctor that had abused her emotionally and verbally for along time and one day she walked out, quit her job. She was filing for unemployment compensation and got the award but the Doctor had a time frame in which he could protest the claim. Then I hear her speak in unbelief and I gently call it to her attention and she renounces it quickly. I am like, oh, we are on the same page.

     So, she reaches out her hands to join with me in prayer and I am thinking "ok", I join hands with her and I lead in prayer for her. I am led to bind all spirits from transferring between us. I don't normally do that but it was in my heart to do so. I take her to the courts and go through the protocol and then I was led to pray for the Dr, for his soul and remit his sins (trying not to offend her). I was feeling uneasy during the process because my spirit was picking up that she was not really engaging yet I knew I was to be obedient.

     In the conversation following, she tells me she is a Spiritist. I am thinking "what" in my head and then she said, "the Doctor is very mean, yet says he is a Christian". We have the conversation about the Gospel and she agree's tells me I know all about Jesus,says she believes in Jesus and use to be a pastor with her own Church yet now understands that God is in all the religions.  Inside my head I am incredulous.  She has left off sound doctrine and is following doctrines of demons yet I said no more, was reminded of the word "sensitive".  I understand now why I was impressed to bind all transference of spirits and why I prayed for the Doctor as He is God's as well.

     I left her not as I found her because in my heart I felt that the Lord wanted to talk to her today and He did. Remind her that He knew her and she knew him in some point in time.  That was my little task for the day. I just got to be used of the Father to bring her before His court. I don't have all the answers to be His deliver(y) person, just willing and obedient.

     After a cursory glance into Spiritualism or Spiritist; for me, this does bring up questions about theophostic teaching introduced in some circles and it's origins but that's a wall to rip open another day.

The Lords,

Women Winning Women

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!

Turning a new page on the calendar, least for most of us on the Georgian Calendar. For those of you unfamiliar with the history of this calendar here is a short excerpt I had a word from the Lord about following the Pilgrims in the fall and felt he was talking about freedom, religious freedom and why they separated. I felt initially he was calling me to partner with another ministry but you must always answer to the voice of your spirit man which cries out to the Spirit of Christ in us, he was calling me apart and too Himself. He tells us to come out from among them, touch not the unclean thing and he will receive us as sons and daughters. There is much to be gleaned in apartness. I have done this in the past, got very close to Him. You know the saying, "You could hear a pen drop" that is what it's like when you get really built up in the Spirit, He drops his word and you catch it in the Spirit, totally apart from your thoughts, i.e. the mind. It literally comes from the belly. The real deal. I have walked with the Lord intently since 1987, seeing and experiencing quite a bit. I have been through much turning on the wheel and he just keeps re-making me in His image. It's been glorious, painful and oh, so sweet. It's interesting the little excerpt about the calendar speaks about the British West Indies….I had a word that was part of my lineage unbeknownst to me. So, I am now on dry land, new territory but familiar. Excited to see what the Lord has in store. Happy New Year, Kathie

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Two little tidbits to share with you... Firstly, I realized today it's thirty years ago at Christmas time that I met my husband. I recall the night after our first date he left a Christmas card at the door and it really touched me as I had been praying to God for help and this card had the image of praying hands on the front. I believed it to be providential at the time and to this day. I am grateful for him. I was so blessed yesterday, I was shopping and you hear the stories of people paying it forward. Well, I am in line at the checkout and a young women, child and her mother were ahead of me. She did not appear to speak or understand English well, and as it turned out her debit card held a -0- balance, she was unable to purchase her groceries. I don't speak of it much but my family surely lives by faith for God's provision. I have come to a place in my walk where I wait for the Lord to prompt me towards good deeds rather than pursuing them on my own. I find this to be glorifying for Him as well as edifying for Him, me and the recipient. Well, I spoke out and offered to pay the bill, she was not wanting me to do so. I told her it was not me, it was Him. I was feeling the fire of His presence. She said she was from Brazil, started telling me how grateful, crying and then pulled her wallet to show me her four little children and how happy she was for the kindness. Holy Spirit was even happier, I told her God knows what we all go through and he had not forgotten her. I hugged her and she started saying she was filling heat, I told her that was God…our consuming fire. I pray He consume you all with the Fire of His Love! Kathie WomenWinningWomen

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Let me Introduce you...

Where have I been.....long story, but I have Good News!

It's been months and months since I have blogged. Life can get in the way of the little things that matter. Getting back to my original statement, I have Good News!Yesterday, I am stepping in to a local store for some sundry goods.  I finish my shopping, check out and am putting my goods in the car when the Lord asks me to share him with the clerk. She is on her here I go. I tell her a short encapsulated rendition of the good news, she had heard it before, grew up in Church got away. Never been born again, did not know Christ. Similar story of many today.

This was a divine appointment, she was as open as a book and listened with an open heart. I was able to give her the whole counsel of God, warn of the true nature of the battle she will encounter and that victory that is assured to those who endure.  It was great, led her to the Lord and prayed over her to receive the Lord's Spirit and Fire!

I will be checking up on her in regard to water baptism and her faith, her new relationship with the
Family of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Happy as a Cat!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy Feet to pray for a lady who had surgery, guess where? You got it, her feet! Ha! God is so funny.
She was a nice Baptist women, ardently giving me her Christian resume while I let her know that she
needed to know Abba. Graciously I listened and appreciated where she was, my sister in the Lord and then
I knelt and prayed over her, her feet and her heart. I prayed that the Lord fill, flood her to overflowing
with His good Spirit and Fire, let healing come!

There was no overt hunger for the bread or fire, but I sensed a quite assurance that the Bread had been delivered to her this day.

Agree with me that enemy doesn't steal the truths of baptisms and the Lord be gracious to His word
to watch over and perform it as she goes about her way in the days ahead. Blood of Christ against the thief and liar, fire of God against the enemy of all  truth. I pray she lives to testify and glorify the Lord in Spirit and Truth
before those in her sphere.

Love, k